The Trendsetting Charm of the Temple Fade: A Deeper Dive into Black Hairstyles

A man with a temple fade haircut.

When it comes to popular hairstyles in the black community, the temple fade haircut is certainly a standout choice. This stylish haircut is known by different names, such as the black low taper fade, low taper fade for black hair, and even the men’s low fade for black hair. It radiates a sense of adaptability, style, and a flawless blend of contemporary and classic allure.

In this article, we will explore the intricacies of this trend, discussing its various styles and how it has gained popularity among both men and women.

Origins and Popularity

The temple fade, also referred to as the low fade, has a rich history rooted in African American barbering traditions. It gained popularity in the mid-20th century as a distinct haircut style among black communities. This unique taper fade haircut begins at the temples and smoothly tapers down to the natural hairline, resulting in a seamless blend from shorter to longer hair, usually on the top of the head. At the time of its origin, the temple fade gained significant popularity among black men.

Popularity and Resurgence

In recent years, the temple fade has experienced a resurgence in popularity, transcending its original cultural boundaries. Several factors contribute to the widespread appeal of the temple fade:

  • Versatility: The temple fade is incredibly versatile, suitable for various occasions. Whether you’re attending a formal event, going to work, or enjoying a casual day out, this haircut complements a wide range of styles and settings. It can be adapted to suit both conservative and edgy looks, making it a go-to choice for many individuals;
  • Ease of Maintenance: One of the key reasons for the temple fade’s popularity is its minimal maintenance requirements. Unlike some complex hairstyles that demand regular styling, this fade is relatively low-maintenance. With the right length on top, it can maintain its fresh appearance without the need for daily styling products or excessive grooming. This makes it a practical choice for those with busy lifestyles or a preference for a hassle-free grooming routine;
  • Universality: While the temple fade has its origins in the African American community, it has transcended its cultural beginnings. People from diverse backgrounds have embraced the temple fade, making it a gender-neutral choice. In addition to its popularity among men, women have also adopted the temple fade, particularly in the form of the “low fade black women’s haircut.” This universality speaks to the adaptability and broad appeal of the style;
  • Clean and Neat Aesthetic: The temple fade’s clean and neat appearance adds to its charm. The gradual tapering creates a visually appealing transition from short to longer hair, enhancing facial features and creating a polished look. This aesthetic appeal has contributed to its resurgence in popularity, as it aligns with contemporary grooming preferences.

Key Variations

A man with a temple fade haircut at the hairdresser’s

When it comes to the temple fade haircut, there is a rich tapestry of variations to explore. These variations offer a diverse range of styles, each with its unique characteristics, making it possible for individuals to find the perfect temple fade that suits their personal preferences and hair types. Below, we delve into an in-depth exploration of each of these key variations:

Black Low Taper Fade Haircut

The Black Low Taper Fade Haircut is the quintessential temple fade style. It epitomizes the classic elegance of this haircut. This style commences with slightly more hair length at the top, and then, with finesse, tapers down smoothly as it approaches the temples. This gradual decrease in length creates a visually appealing contrast between the longer top and the neatly tapered sides.

  • Style: The Black Low Taper Fade Haircut is incredibly versatile, making it suitable for various hair textures. Whether you have straight, curly, or wavy hair, this style adapts beautifully, offering a timeless and refined appearance;
  • Maintenance: To uphold the pristine allure of this style, regular trims are essential. Consistent visits to your barber are required to maintain the precise shape and clean lines that define the Black Low Taper Fade Haircut.

Low Taper Fade Haircut Black

The Low Taper Fade Haircut Black shares similarities with the classic version, yet it possesses a distinctive feature that sets it apart. In this variation, the fade starts slightly lower than in the classic style. This subtle alteration creates a more pronounced contrast between the hair at the top and the sides. As a result, it amplifies the boldness and striking aesthetic of this temple fade style.

  • Style: The Low Taper Fade Haircut Black is all about bold contrast. It’s a head-turning look that exudes confidence and style. The bolder fade creates an eye-catching dimension, making it a favored choice for those seeking a unique and captivating appearance;
  • Maintenance: To keep the transition from the longer top to the shorter sides sharp and defined, regular maintenance is imperative. Frequent upkeep ensures that the contrast remains striking and visually appealing.

Low Fade Black Women’s Haircut

The Low Fade Black Women’s Haircut represents an evolution of the temple fade that has been embraced by black women. In this version, the top is often adorned with curls or waves, adding a layer of texture and volume to the hairstyle. The sides are tapered neatly to create a balanced and harmonious look.

  • Style: This variation adds a feminine touch to the classic low fade. The incorporation of curls or waves on the top enhances texture and volume, making it a fantastic choice for those looking to celebrate their natural hair’s beauty;
  • Maintenance: Achieving the desired texture and wave pattern may require the use of styling products and regular moisturizing. Proper care and maintenance are essential to keep the curls or waves looking their best.

Men’s Low Fade Haircut Black

The Men’s Low Fade Haircut Black takes the classic temple fade and gives it a contemporary twist. In this style, the hair at the top is kept very short, almost close to the scalp. This tight variation creates a clean and sharp appearance, which has become highly popular among men seeking a sleek and polished look.

  • Style: This style embodies simplicity and precision. It offers a minimalist yet highly sophisticated appearance. The ultra-short top accentuates facial features and promotes a clean, well-groomed aesthetic;
  • Maintenance: To maintain the short length on top and the clean lines that define this style, frequent visits to the barber are necessary. The tightness of the fade requires meticulous upkeep to sustain its sharpness.

Black Men’s Temple Fade Haircut

The Black Men’s Temple Fade Haircut is a variation that places explicit emphasis on the temples. In this style, the fade around the temple area is more distinct and pronounced. The result is a unique and bold look that draws attention to this specific part of the haircut.

  • Style: This variation is all about highlighting the temple area. It creates a focal point that stands out, giving the entire haircut a distinctive character. The pronounced fade at the temples adds an element of individuality and flair;
  • Maintenance: Regular touch-ups are required to ensure that the temple fade remains sharp and well-defined. The precision of this variation necessitates consistent maintenance to preserve its unique appeal.

Maintenance and Styling Tips

A man getting his hair trimmed on the side

Keeping your fade fresh requires some effort. Here are some pointers:

  • Regular Trims: To maintain the sharpness of the fade, regular trims every 2-3 weeks are recommended;
  • Moisturizing: Especially crucial for black hair, ensure you use a good moisturizer to prevent dryness and breakage;
  • Styling Products: A light hold gel or pomade can help maintain the shape and style of the top hair.


The temple fade is a versatile and enduring option, whether you favor a classic black low taper fade, a more pronounced low taper fade, or a stylish low fade for black women. The style’s versatility, low maintenance, and polished look make it a popular choice for people of all genders. If you’re considering a new look, the temple fade could be the perfect way to refresh your style.


How often should I get a touch-up for my temple fade?

For a sharp look, touch-ups every 2-3 weeks are ideal.

Is the temple fade suitable for all hair types?

Originally a staple in the black community, the temple fade suits all hair types but may require different maintenance routines.

Can I pair the temple fade with other hairstyles?

Absolutely! The temple fade is versatile. Pair it with a pompadour, afro, or even braids on top.

How do I communicate the style I want to my barber?

Using terms like “black low taper fade haircut” or “men’s low fade haircut black” can be effective. But, showing a picture is always the best way to ensure clarity.

Is the low fade black women’s haircut different from the men’s version?

In essence, the technique remains the same. However, women often incorporate different elements like curls or braids on the top for added flair.

Freddie Faulkner